Top Irradiated Foods To Avoid

Top Irradiated Foods To Avoid

Irradiated Food - How safe are they?
Irradiated Food – How safe are they?

The list of radiated foods differs by country, as each state has its own policies and processes. In the U.S.A., the list of affected foods includes the following, which are most likely to be irradiated:

  • Many spices and vegetable seasonings:
  • White potatoes
  • Wheat, flour, wheat powder
  • Fresh produce
  • Fresh meat and poultry of all kinds


Foods treated with gamma-radiation are marked with the international symbol for irradiation:

Radura - an international symbol that the food has been irradiated with a high dosage of electromagnetic / ionizing radiation rays
Radura – an international symbol that the food has been irradiated with a high dosage of electromagnetic / ionizing radiation rays

And should, in the United States, contain the words “Treated with Radiation,” or “Treated by Irradiation,” on the package.

Countries that Irradiate their foods
Countries that Irradiate their foods

Countries that Irradiate their Foods

Below is a list of the countries that either use irradiation for commercial use or have approved food irradiation.

– Bangladesh
– China
– India
– Indonesia
– Iran
– Japan
– Korea
– Thailand

– Algeria
– South Africa

South America
– Argentina
– Brazil
– Chile
– Peru

Black Flag: Countries with Commercial Irradiation of Food

– Belgium
– Croatia
– Czech Republic
– Denmark
– Finland
– France
– Germany
– Hungary
– Israel
– Netherlands
– Norway
– Poland
– Ukraine
– United Kingdom
– Yugoslavia

North America
– Canada
– Cuba
– Mexico
– United States

Yellow Flag: Countries with Approval of Food Irradiation

– Pakistan
– Phillippines
– Russian Federation
– Syria
– Italy
– Spain

South America
– Costa Rica
– Uruguay

How do I know if my food is irradiated?
How do I know if my food is irradiated?

How Will I Know if My Food Has Been Irradiated?

FDA requires that irradiated foods bear the international symbol for irradiation. Look for the Radura symbol along with the statement “Treated with radiation” or “Treated by irradiation” on the food label.

Bulk foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are required to be individually labelled or to have a label next to the sale container.

FDA does not require that individual ingredients in multi-ingredient foods (e.g., spices) be labelled.

Irradiated Food will still require proper food-handling practices
Irradiated Food will still require proper food-handling practices

It is important to remember that irradiation is not a replacement for proper food-handling practices by producers, processors and consumers. Irradiated foods need to be stored, handled and cooked in the same way as non-irradiated foods, because they could still become contaminated with disease-causing organisms after irradiation if the rules of basic food safety are not followed.


What Foods Have Been Approved for Irradiation?
What Foods Have Been Approved for Irradiation?

FDA has approved a variety of foods for irradiation in the United States including:

  • Beef and Pork
  • Crustaceans (e.g., lobster, shrimp, and crab)
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  • Lettuce and Spinach
  • Molluscan Shellfish (e.g., oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops)
  • Poultry
  • Seeds for Sprouting (e.g., for alfalfa sprouts)
  • Shell Eggs
  • Spices and Seasonings



Why Irradiate Food?
Why Irradiate Food?

Why Irradiation of Food

FDA says that Irradiated Food serves the following objectives:

  • Prevention of Foodborne Illness – irradiation can be used to effectively eliminate organisms that cause foodborne illness, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli).
  • Preservation – irradiation can be used to destroy or inactivate organisms that cause spoilage and decomposition and extend the shelf life of foods.
  • Control of Insects – irradiation can be used to destroy insects in or on tropical fruits imported into the United States. Irradiation also decreases the need for other pest-control practices that may harm the fruit.
  • Delay of Sprouting and Ripening – irradiation can be used to inhibit sprouting (e.g., potatoes) and delay ripening of fruit to increase longevity.
  • Sterilization – irradiation can be used to sterilize foods, which can then be stored for years without refrigeration. Sterilized foods are useful in hospitals for patients with severely impaired immune systems, such as patients with AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy. Foods that are sterilized by irradiation are exposed to substantially higher levels of treatment than those approved for general use.
Irradiate Food - most of it is unlabelled at the store shelves
Irradiate Food – most of it is unlabelled at the store shelves

The Dangers of Food Irradiation

What’s Wrong with Food Irradiation?

Irradiation damages the quality of food.

Foods that have been exposed to ionizing radiation compromises their nutrition and freshness especially vitamins C, E, K and B Complex. It destroys the antioxidant effect in foods exposing you to harmful free radicals. Irradiation it creates dirty food.

Irradiation produces toxic byproducts in the food.

New new radiolytic products, some of which are toxic (benzene, formaldehyde, lipid peroxides) may be created which can lead to increased tumors, reproductive failures and kidney damage. Chromosomal abnormalities occurred in children from India who were fed freshly irradiated wheat.

Irradiation using radioactive materials is an environmental hazard.

Leakage of radioactive water from processing plants and transport vehicles will have a big impact on the ecosystem. The clean up costs will be exhorbitant, not counting human medical costs from this pollution as we have found out from Georgia and New Jersey.

Irradiation is a quick fix with long-term consequences.

Irradiation doesn’t kill all bacteria; those that survive are radiation-resistant. Eventually these bacteria will require higher doses of radiation. Irradiation doesn’t kill the bacterium that causes botulism, or viruses. It can’t be used on dairy products, a major source of food poisoning.

Irradiation doesn’t solve the problem, it just covers it up.

In a 1997 CBS nationwide poll, 77% of US consumers did not want irradiated food. This public resistance is why food trade associations have been plotting to eliminate all requirements for labelling irradiated food.

There are better ways of maintaining clean and sustainable food. Cleaning up filthy slaughter houses, slowing down processing lines, increasing the number of federal meat inspectors, and encouraging local and organic agriculture instead of factory farming are just a few proposals that can lead to long-term food safety solutions without the risks of irradiation.

Possible risks of the poisoning of food through irradiation
Possible risks of the poisoning of food through irradiation

The Alternative to Irradiated Food

The best way to avoid irradiated food is to eat organic foods {click this link to organic foods)

The best way to avoid irradiated food is to eat organic – Irradiated Foods by Nancy Long



I was shocked when I read this CHI Best Protein QUALITY Chart
All along I thought I was eating “healthy“.

Luckily for me, I have had a new priority shopping list (since last year) when I replaced some of the highly acidic foods I’ve been eating with Isagenix’s IsaLean and IsaPro Whey Protein shakes. It has helped me lose weight in the beginning (12kg). But now, it is helping me stay healthy and gain lean muscle so I don’t look like an old woman even though I’m in my 60s.

What is even more satisfying is that I am not spending extra money as I’m replacing unhealthy acidic and even toxic foods with healthy foods (at least once a day). Yup, Isagenix is food!

So if you seriously want to stay healthy, it is time to change to the best protein quality food that money can buy. We are deluding ourselves when we say that we are eating “healthy” when we buy food from restaurants and supermarkets (see chart).

You are what you eat. So here’s to a healthier you.

Image best protein food chart CHI
best protein food chart CHI

Protein Differences

Whey Protein 

This protein from milk is a by-product of cheese making. About 20% of the protein in milk is whey and 80% is casein.


  1. Whey is the highest quality protein, better than all other animal proteins.
  2. Digests fast; won’t leave you feeling full.
  3. Supports immune health from certain protein components.
  4. High in BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), important for bodybuilders and dieters since BCAAs can be used for fuel, potentially sparing muscle tissue.
  5. Good for lactose-sensitive people.


  1. Because it digests fast, it won’t keep you satisfied for very long.
  2. Lower in naturally occurring glutamine than milk (casein) proteins, which is why glutamine is added to some formulas.

Milk Protein (Casein)

Casein is the predominant protein in milk. For example, the protein in cheese and cottage cheese is casein. Sometimes called calcium-, sodium- or potassium-caseinate.


  1. This ‘slow’ digesting protein keeps you full longer since it must form a gel during digestion before it is absorbed. This slower transit time may extend the exposure of the protein in the intestines and may help increase absorption.
  2. Has a naturally high glutamine content, higher than whey, soy or egg.
  3. Along with whey, casein is one of the best proteins for building muscle.
  4. Very low in lactose.


  1. Some people have allergies to casein protein. If you have milk allergies from lactose only, then casein should not pose any problems.

Egg Protein (egg white or egg albumen)

This protein used to be the ‘gold standard’ that all other proteins were measured against, until whey protein came along. Most formulas contain very little egg protein.


  1. Excellent amino acid profile with sulfur-bearing amino acids.


  1. Slightly bitter taste.
  2. People unjustifiably perceive it to be high in cholesterol. But the bad rap on egg comes from the yolk, not the egg white. Protein powders use egg white.

Soy Protein

Soy protein is processed from the soybean plant. Most of the fat, fiber and carbs are removed. Since it is a vegetable product, it has no cholesterol.


  1. Reduces heart disease risk.
  2. May help with normal thyroid function to keep your metabolism steady.
  3. High in glutamine, about the same as casein.


  1. Not as high quality of a protein due to limiting essential amino acids.
  2. Not as good as whey or milk proteins for building muscle.
  3. Does not taste very good compared to whey or casein.
Image best protein source
best protein source


As you can see exists few indicators describing whether protein source is quality or not:

  • Biological Value – the proportion of absorbed protein that is retained in the body for maintenance or growth.
  • Protein Efficiency Ratio – the gain in body weight divided by the weight of protein consumed.
  • Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score – the ratio based on the amino acid requirements of humans.
  • Denaturation Level – it mostly describes heat treatment of protein sources.

Email me if you want the best quality whey protein:

Email me for the most delicious, nutritionally complete meal replacements that take your health and performance to new levels.

It is a complete, 240-calorie meal replacement that perfectly blends 24 grams of no compromise undenatured protein, low-glycemic carbs and healthy fats to reduce your caloric intake without depriving your body of much needed nutrition. Fueled by our premium protein are clinically shown to:

  • Burn fat and support lean muscle
  • Reduce cravings and keep you full longer
  • Increase energy and recovery
  • Soy-free with active enzymes to aid digestion
  • Less than $3 per meal, no artificial colors or flavors – best protein quality chart

Related Articles:

Best High Protein Foods




Soybeans have been used as a dietary staple for over 5000 years. Soy is purported to help many conditions, such as high cholesterol, osteoporosis and menopause symptoms. Research supports soy’s effectiveness for lowering LDL cholesterol for people with LDLs greater than 160. Soy may be effective for other conditions, such as diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, diarrhea in infants, and kidney disease. The efficacy of soy on reducing breast cancer risk has not been established. Claims about soy’s effectiveness in relieving hepatitis symptoms have not been substantiated.

Attention for Liver Disease: Soy phytoestrogens occasionally appear on lists of supplements that people with liver disease should not take, although no evidence was found to support this. Because it appears to interact with cytochrome p-450 metabolized substances (see About Cytochrome P-450 below), do not take during HCV treatment.

Safety Information: Soy has a good safety record. Gastrointestinal complaints, such as bloating and flatulence are the most common. Soy may lower thyroid levels, especially in infants. Safety has not been established for children, pregnant or nursing mothers.

Interactions: There is still controversy about the phytoestrogen properties in soy. For this reason, soy is not recommended for anyone with hormone-sensitive malignancies or those taking drugs, such as tamoxifen, to prevent disease recurrence. In lab studies, showed potential to interact with any cytochrome p-450 metabolized substances (see About Cytochrome P-450 below).

Lab Notes: Theoretically, may interfere with thyroid tests in children.

Note: Isoflavones are key, whether you use soy in your diet or as a supplement.

NOTE: 90% of Soy is Genetically Modified Foods ( GMO ) now mainly grown in USA and China. This makes soy an unhealthy food. There is reason to doubt that the balance 10% of the soy grown  is really organic due to cross-pollination and contamination.

dangers of soy

Image dangers of infant formula soy milk

Source: HCSP Herbal Dietary Supplements Glossary By Lucinda, K. Porter, RN ( Soybeans )



Sausages have never been known as the healthiest food. But what makes them so dangerous?

The things that are causing all the fuss are chemicals called nitrites and nitrates, which once in the body can be converted into cancer-causing compounds. These, according to a spokesman for Cancer Research UK, occur naturally in red meat, but are also often added during meat-processing as a preservative.

Sausages’ relatively high fat and salt content, which have also been linked to increased risks of developing cancer.

One in ten sausages may carry the hepatitis virus: Cases of rare deadly strain have rocketed 40% in a year

  • Once considered very rare, cases have risen by nearly 40 per cent in a year
  • 1 in 50 of those infected will die, rising to one in five pregnant women
  • Sausages most dangerous pork product – they contain liver meat

This applies to most processed meats, canned or otherwise, so eat at your own risk.

Image Sausages health risks cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis
Sausages health risks cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis

Read More about Sausages: – unhealthy foods sausages



A migraine headache is characterized as an intense throbbing or pulsing headache, typically in one area or side of your head, and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.


Elimination Diets Shown Helpful in Reducing or Eliminating Migraines

In a 1979 study published in the Lancet,4 60 migraineurs with food antigen immunoreactivity who were put on an elimination diet experienced profound relief. According to the author:

“The commonest foods causing reactions were wheat (78 percent), orange (65 percent), eggs (45 percent), tea and coffee (40 percent each), chocolate and milk (37 percent) each), beef (35 percent), and corn, cane sugar, and yeast (33 percent each).

When an average of 10 common foods were avoided there was a dramatic fall in the number of headaches per month, 85 percent of patients becoming headache-free. The 25 percent of patients with hypertension became normotensive. Chemicals in the home environment can make this testing difficult for outpatients. Both immunological and non-immunological mechanisms may play a part in the pathogenesis of migraine caused by food intolerance.”

A randomized, double blind, cross-over study published in 2010 also found that a six-week long diet restriction produced a statistically significant reduction in migraines in those diagnosed with migraine without aura. If you notice your migraines start up shortly after eating a specific food, then that’s a good place to start. Keep in mind that you can also be sensitive to food additives like artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers (MSG), and aspartame so read the food labels, and note the ingredients in your food journal.

One of the best things you can do if you believe you are suffering from a food allergy is to do a diet elimination challenge. Simply remove all foods that contain what you believe you are allergic to and see if your symptoms improve over the next several days. Keep in mind that depending on your typical migraine frequency, you may need to avoid the suspected food for a few weeks in order to evaluate whether it had an effect or not.

To confirm the results, you’ll want to reintroduce the food or drink (on an empty stomach). If the suspected food is the culprit you will generally be able to feel the allergy symptoms return within an hour, although migraines can sometimes have a longer lag time than, say, bloating or drowsiness.


Diet for Migraine Relief

Quite a few people report ridding themselves of migraines on the Paleo diet, which can be summarized as “any food that can be eaten without being processed.” That means no grains, bread or pasta, and no pasteurized dairy, but does include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, some nuts and oils along with wild caught fish, organic poultry and grass-fed lean meats. You can easily mold your diet around the principles of Paleo eating by following my nutrition plan. The full details are described in the plan, but generally speaking, the following key factors apply to any “healthy diet”:

  • Eliminate all gluten products
  • Eliminate the other 10 common foods that the Lancet study found helpful in making 85 percent of participants headache free
  • Eliminate all artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. My sister is one of many who will get a guaranteed migraine if she consumes any aspartame. Obviously, even if you don’t have migraines, there simply is no reason to ever consume aspartame
  • Unprocessed whole foods
  • Often raw or only lightly cooked (ideally, try to eat at least one-third of your food raw, or as much as you can manage)
  • Organic or grass-fed, and free from additives and genetically modified (gmo) ingredients
  • Come from high-quality, local sources
  • Carbohydrates primarily come from vegetables (except corn and potatoes, which should typically be avoided). Dramatically lowering your intake of non-vegetable carbs could improve leptin and insulin signaling which could also improve migraines

I believe a return to “real food” is one of the most profound interventions for the 21st century. We’ve strayed so far from the foods we are designed to eat, going back to basics and refocusing your diet on fresh, whole, unprocessed, “real” food can improve just about anyone’s health, regardless of what health issues you need to address. – MIGRAINES | FOODS TO AVOID

Sugar | Healthy Foods

Top 10 Foods Highest in Sugar (To Limit or Avoid)

#1: Granulated Sugar and Other Sweeteners
Up to 99% Sugar
It should be no surprise that pure granulated sugar is the #1 food highest in sugar, consisting of up to 99% sugar. Brown sugar is 97% sugar, honey is 82% sugar, sorghum syrup is 75% sugar, molasses is 55% sugar, and sweetened condensed milk is 54% sugar. If you must choose a natural sweetener, molasses would be the choice lowest in sugar.

#2: Drink Powders and Soft Drinks 
Up to 94% Sugar
Drink powders are typically all sugar. Lemonade powder for example can be up to 94% sugar. Check labels to look for low sugar varieties. Soft drinks are typically only 11% sugar, but a single 12oz can will contain around 38 grams of sugar which is more than twice the amount of sugar you would find in a medium sized banana. 

#3: Candies and Nougat 
Up to 83% Sugar
Of all sugared treates, nougat contains the most sugar at 83%. Candied fruits can also be up to 81% sugar, while chewing gum and most hard candies are around 63% sugar. 

#4: Dried Fruits (Fruit Roll Ups) 
Up to 81% Sugar
Dried apples contain the most sugar being 81% sugar in total, dates are 66% sugar and so are dried litchis, dried pears are 62% sugar, raisins are 59% sugar, dried apricots are 53% sugar, dried figs are 48% sugar, and prunes are 38% sugar. Most fruit roll ups, or leather fruit rolls are around 50% sugar, or half sugar. 

#5: Cookies, Cakes, and Pies
Up to 71% Sugar
Sugar is often the key ingredient in most sweet tasting cookies an cakes. Macaroons contain 71% sugar, making them one of the highest sugar cookies around. Other cookies can be up to 63% sugar. Cakes tend to be a little better due to increased levels of flour, but can be up to 57% sugar, particularly with frosting or icing!

#6: Spreads, Jams, and Preserves 
Up to 60% Sugar
Spreads for sandwhiches and toast are often packed with sugar. Marmalade is 60% sugar, chocolate flavored hazelnut spreads can be up to 54% sugar, most jams and preserves are 49% sugar, and peanut butters can be up to 10% sugar! 

#7: Ready to Eat Cereals, Cereal Bars, and Oatmeal Packages 
Up to 56% Sugar
Most ready to eat cereals which come in a box are packed with sugar, this is even true for those that claim to be “whole grain”. Read the label on the back of the box and check the sugar content for the serving size. Commercial ready to eat cereals can be up to 56% sugar. Cereal, granola, and fruit/nut bars can be up to 55% sugar, this is particularly true for the bars that claim to be low fat, as sugar content is often boosted to account for the lack of fat. Commercially prepared instant oatmeal packs can contain up to 39% sugar, so check labels carefully and try to choose packages which are unflavored, or make your own oatmeal at home. Hot cereals which you prepare at home like oatmeal and rye are less than 1% sugar and provide more vitamins and complex carbohydrates for your body. 

#8: Sauces – Ketchup, Chocolate Syrup, and Salad Dressing 
Up to 50% Sugar
Sauces and dressing can often be a source of hidden sugars. Chocolate syrup can be 50% sugar, salad dressings can be 29% sugar, and ketchup (castup) can be 23% sugar. Watch out for labels that are low fat, or low salt (sodium), as the sugar content will often be increased to account for the loss in flavor

#9: Ice Cream, Milk Shakes, and Cafe Drinks 
Up to 26% Sugar
Ice creams can be up to 26% sugar, with most ice creams being 21% sugar, providing 14 grams of sugar in a 1/2 cup serving (scoop). Milk shakes can be up to 23% sugar, providing a whopping 84 grams of sugar in a “small” sized 16oz milkshake.

#10: Canned Fruit Packed in Syrup 
Up to 22% Sugar
Canned fruit packed in heavy syrup can be up to 22% sugar, that is 58 gram of sugar per 8 ounce cup. Juice packed fruit can be up to 14% sugar, and water packed fruits can be 10% sugar.



The average American eats 30-60 teaspoons of sugar every day… and most of it is hidden in so-called “healthy” foods.

You already know sugar is as addictive as cocaine, but what you may not realize is how hard it is to eliminate the deadly white powder from your diet… even if you HAVE the willpower!

Sugar is hidden in all kinds of foods – not just in donuts, cookies, and ice cream.

Look carefully enough and you’ll discover sugar is in almost everything you eat: fruits, ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, even tomato sauce!

It Gets Worse For Sugar Addicts

The average American consumes an estimated 150 pounds or more of refined sugar every year.

That means even if you are not already diagnosed as having type II Diabetes, you’re well on your way. It starts with being a sugar addict.

Long before a diabetes diagnosis, you may begin to see the effects of refined sugar on your body…

  • Fuzzy thinking and embarrassing “senior moments”. Inflammation in the brain, caused by sugar, can cloud your thinking.
  • Declining eyesight. Sugar literally eats the proteins in the lenses of your eyes and clouds your vision.
  • Accelerated aging. Sugar imbalance in your blood devastates the collagen in your skin cells, causing your skin to become wrinkly and old looking long before your time.
  • Diabetes. This is the pinnacle of the diseases caused by sugar imbalance… and it’s now in the top five most dangerous health problems Americans face.

Break free your sugar addiction. Eat A Heart Healthy Diet. Copy & Paste Link:

BVO – Bromine Vegetable Oil Sodas

BVO Bromine Vegetable Oil Sodas image
BVO Bromine Vegetable Oil Sodas

BVO Bromine Vegetable Oil Sodas

Are you a soda / sugary drink addict? Then know what you’re drinking! BVO is a toxic chemical that is banned in many countries because it competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical, linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.

“There’s flame retardant in your sodas like Mountain Dew, Gatorade and other sports drinks. That soda with the lime-green hue (and other citrus-flavored bubbly pops) won’t keep your insides fireproof, but it does contain brominated vegetable oil, a patented flame retardant for plastics that has been banned in foods throughout Europe and in Japan.

Sodas are also the leading cause of obesity and heart, kidney & liver related diseases.

Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, which acts as an emulsifier in citrus-flavored soda drinks, is found in about 10 percent of sodas sold in the U.S.

“After a few extreme soda binges — not too far from what many gamers regularly consume – a few patients have needed medical attention for skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, all symptoms of overexposure to bromine,” according to a recent article in Environmental News.” – BVO Bromine Vegetable Oil Sodas