Ice Breakers
Big Al’s Ice Breakers


Need more leads? Want more prospects? Curious on what steps to teach distributors to be a leader? Want to know how to build a bigger downline? Desire to be a better closer? Want to build instant rapport? Want to be more successful in MLM? Or just want to be a better networker? Tom “Big Al” Schreiter Ice Breakers gives you the step-by-step exact words to say, and exactly what to do.

The 3 biggest reasons why most network marketers fail.

– They do not believe it’s possible.
– They do not have the skills they need.
– They do not have enough people to talk to every single day!!

Network marketing is the business of duplication. The simpler the process / system is to duplicate, the quicker you can build a large organization to earn residual income that will support your dream lifestyle. The key to it is getting new prospects to talk to. You come across them everywhere you go. Knowing how to break the ice gives you an unlimited supply of new prospects to talk to.

Unlike other books about breaking ice, this concise book tells you exactly what to say and this helps you in your duplication process. By using the scripts everyday, you become a people magnet and people will love to talk to you because you do not come across as a high pressure salesperson. Knowing exactly what to say will create an environment where two nice people are able talk to each other in a non-threatening way.

If you know the exact words to say then you can control the direction of any conversation and people will end up exactly where you want them in your sales funnel – It’s a rejection free process!

Even if you fail in closing the sale, you will not feel rejected or disappointed as you’ve created an avenue to re-initiate the process (follow up) at a later date when the situation becomes more favourable to make a deal.

The ideas in this book are simple implement with many ice breakers scripts that you can use in your day to day interactions.  They are practical tips that are Easy read (with over 70+ easy to use  no brainer scripts)  on how to:

  • feel confident around other people
  • overcome your fear and actually ENJOY talking to friends, family and potential customers/recruits without pressure on either of you!
  • simple one liners to follow
  • Quick and simple methods to get your prospects on your side
    gives you confidence to talk about your business to prospects


Whether you are a novice or a pro, Ice Breakers is another excellent book to help you fast track your success in network marketing / MLM / Direct Sales. – Nancy Long -TOM “BIG AL” Schreiter ICE BREAKERS by Nancy Long